Chemical protective clothing
Chemical protective clothing is clothing worn to shield those who work with chemicals from the effects of chemical hazards that can cause injuries on the job. Both ULTITEC 4000 and ULTITEC 5000 are Type 3 chemical and liquid jet resistant protective clothing. Fully liquid-proof protective clothing provides an optimum shield against various chemicals, liquid jets, biological hazards and leaking fuel through sealed chemical proof. ULTITEC 4000 and ULTITEC 5000 are widely applied for chemical handling, decontamination, disaster management, disease control, tank cleaning, petrochemical, oil refinery etc.
Derekduck’s own protective clothing brand ULTITEC was developed in year 2008, whose name originated from words “ULTIMATE” and “PROTECTION”, revealing original intention of “You are safe with us!”
Different kind of chemical protective clothing and suited situation
ULTITEC 4000 is designed for hazardous conditions. Fully liquid-proof chemical protective clothing provides an outstanding barrier against various chemicals, liquid jets and infective agents.
ULTITEC 5000 is designed for extremely hazardous conditions. It protects wearers from wide range of chemical liquid jets.
DEREKDUCK Ergonomic Design Benefits Frontline Operators
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Ergonomic Design Strength
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ULTITEC Coveralls Design Features
Be safe, Be comfort, Be ULTITEC! Design features for ULTITEC 500 - ULTITEC 3000T Better fit on face and head 3-piece hood [...]
Challenge of Global Preparedness for H1N1 Influenza Pandemic
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Customize your own solution by DEREKDUCK professional team!
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Asia Prepares for Crop Battle with Fall Armyworm (FAW)
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秋行軍蟲緊急防治階段 德瑞格籲農藥噴灑需著合適防護衣
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ULTITEC as Safety Shield to Act without fear!
ULTITEC as Safety Shield to Act without fear! In conjunction with 10th Anniversary of ULTITEC, we launched a new brand concept namely “Act without fear!”. This is to commend [...]
Ebola Lessons for Global Health and PPE Preparedness during Outbreak
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