Chemical protective clothing
Chemical protective clothing is clothing worn to shield those who work with chemicals from the effects of chemical hazards that can cause injuries on the job. Both ULTITEC 4000 and ULTITEC 5000 are Type 3 chemical and liquid jet resistant protective clothing. Fully liquid-proof protective clothing provides an optimum shield against various chemicals, liquid jets, biological hazards and leaking fuel through sealed chemical proof. ULTITEC 4000 and ULTITEC 5000 are widely applied for chemical handling, decontamination, disaster management, disease control, tank cleaning, petrochemical, oil refinery etc.
Derekduck’s own protective clothing brand ULTITEC was developed in year 2008, whose name originated from words “ULTIMATE” and “PROTECTION”, revealing original intention of “You are safe with us!”
Different kind of chemical protective clothing and suited situation
ULTITEC 4000 is designed for hazardous conditions. Fully liquid-proof chemical protective clothing provides an outstanding barrier against various chemicals, liquid jets and infective agents.
ULTITEC 5000 is designed for extremely hazardous conditions. It protects wearers from wide range of chemical liquid jets.
ULTITEC Played Significant Role During COVID-19
ULTITEC Played Significant Role During COVID-19 Taiwan has earned international media attention namely “How Taiwan Has Been Able to Keep COVID-19 at Bay”, “We Can Learn from Taiwan [...]
The Perfect Bathroom
The Perfect Bathroom Is Your Perfect Retreat Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris nec molestie turpis. Vestibulum sem est, lobortis eu feugiat vitae, ornare at [...]
How To: Outdoor Taps
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Trusting Your Plumber
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What is Power Flushing?
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Gas Safety Checks
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris nec molestie turpis. Vestibulum sem est, lobortis eu feugiat vitae, ornare at est. Cras malesuada pulvinar odio eu porta. Praesent [...]
Family Kitchen Installation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris nec molestie turpis. Vestibulum sem est, lobortis eu feugiat vitae, ornare at est. Cras malesuada pulvinar odio eu porta. Praesent [...]
Commercial Plumbing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris nec molestie turpis. Vestibulum sem est, lobortis eu feugiat vitae, ornare at est. Cras malesuada pulvinar odio eu porta. Praesent [...]
Understanding EN 14126:2003 for Battle Against COVID-19
Understanding EN 14126:2003 for Battle Against COVID-19 World Health Organization (WHO) recently warned that COVID-19 was a “very high” risk of pandemic to be taken seriously. In order [...]
蘋果日報專訪 -【獨家】揭開「醫護戰袍」神秘面紗 《蘋果》解析防護衣戰力
新冠肺炎疫情持續延燒,不僅全台各醫療院所急需防護衣,世界各國也紛紛向製造廠商採購防護衣,前晚首批武漢台商及家屬2百多人搭乘專機返台後,所有防疫人員全程穿戴防護衣進行檢疫工作,連飛機駕駛也穿防護衣開飛機,嚴陣以待。 […]